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1. All Year Round Maintenance Operations                                            

Grass Cutting Operations - General

Cut all football pitches with a cylinder cut mowing machine fitted with turf tyres and with no less than five blades per cutting reel.  Cut the sward allowing all clippings to fly and ensure that excessive arisings are evenly distributed over the site.                  

Throughout the playing season (August to May) maintain the height of grass between minimum 40mm and maximum 50mm. During the post season period (May-Aug) maintain the height of grass between a minimum height of 25mm and a maximum height of 40mm.

Mark out all pitches in accordance with Football Association Rules and Regulations. 

Remove all deleterious materials from the pitch area prior to the commencement of the match. Ensure that all potholes and other such holes are filled in prior to commencement of the match.

Ensure that all goalposts are erect and straight, and that they are firm in the sockets and upright.  Also ensure that all net hooks are in place.

Aerate the Pitch

Aerate the pitch on one occasion per month from September to April at equally spaced intervals, using tractor mounted equipment equipped with turf tyres. Aerate using slit tines penetrating to a minimum depth of 100mm.

Do carry out aeration in periods of inclement weather to avoid damaging the pitch.

Harrow the Pitch                                                                     

When required chain harrow the whole pitch. making two passes in different directions along the length of the pitch, ensuring no overlapping. Use a tractor fitted with turf tyres and make sure that ground conditions are suitable for such vehicles.  

2. Post Season Operations                                                                      

The post season shall run from May till August. Carry out and complete all post season renovation operations by the end of May.

Remove all goalposts from the pitches and cap off the goal sockets. 

Cultivate all areas of wear, these will normally be in the goal and penalty areas and the centre of the pitch. Cultivate to a depth of minimum 50mm. Following cultivation operations level and produce a tilth ready for overseeding. Overseed all cultivated areas with a seed mixture of 80% perennial Ryegrass and 20% Browntop Bert or Smooth Stalked Meadow Grass. Irrigate areas to a minimum depth of 50mm per occasion, to ensure the sufficient growth levels are achieved.

Carry out contravation operations on all areas of the pitch not renovated above by the use of a tractor mounted contravator. In periods of dry weather suspend the contravating operation until September, substituting during May by overseeding all areas at rate of 30 grams per square metre.  Erect and maintain a fence or similar barrier surrounding these areas.

The renovations should be subject to standards and rate of growth as follows:

(Establishment Minimum)
Weed Content
End of June
End of July
Wk 3 of August

Supply and Apply Selective Herbicide                                        

Every two years supply and apply a selective herbicide to the whole pitch to kill turf weeds such as daisy and clover.  This operation should be undertaken in May or June.
Supply and Apply Spring/Summer Fertiliser       
Apply during suitable weather conditions a spring/summer fertiliser at an N:P:K OF 15:5:5.  Apply the fertiliser while the grass is actively still growing and cover the whole grass area, ensuring that there are no gaps between the strips and no overlaps occur.

3. Pre-Season Operations   

During August paint the goalposts. Rub down and apply white paint to all goal sets.  During this operation inspect all posts for damage.

Set Out Pitch                                                                          
During August set out all pitches, ensuring that all pitches are set out in accordance with Football Association Regulations.   At the commencement of the setting out operations, decide where pitches need to be relocated to prevent wear.  Goal sockets should be installed according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

Erect Goal Sets                                                                        

Erect all goal sets during August, ensuring they are firmly inserted in the sockets and upright with no leans, and that crossbars and uprights are level.

4. Surface Drainage

Sanding Goal Mouths                                                              

Where drainage is a problem apply a lime-free sand evenly across the require areas to goal mouths and other areas of the pitch.

Vertidrain Pitches                                                                     

It may be necessary to carry out vertidraining of the whole pitch or the goal mouths and centre circles or other areas of compaction. Ensure that any vertidraining operation is carried out in suitable weather conditions. Ensure a minimum depth of penetration of 50cm and a size of tine of 20mm.  When using hollow tines, ensure that all cores are removed from site to the designated location for disposal at the end of the work period.

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