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1. Trees absorb CO2, removing and storing the carbon while releasing the oxygen back into the air. In one year, an acre of mature trees absorbs the amount of CO2 produced when you drive your car 26,000 miles.
2. Trees clean the air, absorbing odours and pollutant gases (nitrogen oxides, ammonia, sulphur dioxide and ozone) and filter particulates out of the air by trapping them on their leaves and bark.
3. In one year an acre of mature trees can provide enough oxygen for 18 people.
4. Trees cool city temperatures by up to 10°F, by shading our homes and streets, breaking up urban “heat islands” and releasing water vapour into the air through their leaves.
5. Three trees placed strategically around a single-family home can cut summer air conditioning needs by up to 50 percent. By reducing the energy demand for cooling our houses, we reduce carbon dioxide and other pollution emissions from power plants.
6. Shade from trees slows water evaporation from thirsty lawns. Most newly planted trees need only fifteen gallons of water a week. As trees transpire, they increase atmospheric moisture.
7. Trees reduce runoff by breaking rainfall thus allowing the water to flow down the trunk and into the earth below the tree. This prevents storm water from carrying pollutants to the ocean. When mulched, trees act like a sponge that filters this water naturally and uses it to recharge groundwater supplies.
8. On hillsides or stream slopes, trees slow runoff and hold soil in place, helping to prevent soil erosion.
9. Trees reduce UV-B exposure by about 50 percent, thus providing protection against skin cancer.
10. Aside from fruit for humans, trees provide food for birds and wildlife. An apple tree can yield up to 2500 apples per year and can be planted on the tiniest urban lot.
11. Studies have shown that patients with views of trees out their windows heal faster and with fewer complications. Children with ADHD show fewer symptoms when they have access to nature. Exposure to trees and nature aids concentration by reducing mental fatigue.
12. Neighbourhoods and homes that are barren have shown to have a greater incidence of violence in and out of the home than their greener counterparts. Trees within the landscape help to reduce the level of fear.
13. Trees mark the seasons. Is it winter, spring, summer or autumn, look at the trees.
14. Tree plantings provide an opportunity for community involvement and empowerment that improves the quality of life in our neighbourhoods. All cultures, ages, and genders have an important role to play at a tree planting or tree care event.
15. Trees as landmarks can give a neighbourhood a new identity and encourage civic pride.
16. Trees provide a canopy and habitat for wildlife. Sycamore and oak are among the many urban species that provide excellent urban homes for birds, bees and squirrels.
17. Trees can mask concrete walls or parking lots, and unsightly views. They muffle sound from nearby streets and freeways, and create an eye-soothing canopy of green. Trees absorb dust and wind and reduce glare.
18. In suburban and rural areas, trees can be selectively harvested for fuel and craft wood.
19. Trees increase property values. The beauty of a well-planted property and its surrounding street and neighbourhood can raise property values by as much as 15 percent.
20. Studies show that the more trees and landscaping a business district has, the more business will flow in. A tree-lined street will also slow traffic, enough to allow the drivers to look at the store fronts instead of whizzing by.
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